The accidental or hostile exposure of individuals to ionizing irradiation is of great public and military concern. Radiation sickness (acute radiation syndrome, or ARS) occurs when the body is exposed to a high dose of penetrating radiation within a short period of time. Systemic infection is one of the serious consequences of ARS. There is a direct relation between the magnitude of radiation exposure and the risk of developing infection. The risk of systemic infection is higher whenever there is a combined injury such as burn or trauma. Ionizing radiation enhances infection by allowing translocation of oral and gastrointestinal flora, and reducing the threshold of sepsis due to endogenous and exogenous microorganisms. The potential for concomitant accidental or terrorism-related exposure to bio-terrorism agents such as anthrax and radiation also exists.

This site is made of a home page that presents new developments and updates on the management of acute radiation syndrome including concomitant exposure to radiation and anthrax. Separate pages are dedicated to the treatment modalities.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Survey Shows Radiation Spread Over a Wide Area

The first thorough soil survey from areas around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant found extensive ground contamination. Another evaluation warned of the continued threat to Japan's food chain, underscoring the major challenges Japan still faces in its radioactive cleanup efforts.
Half a year after the nuclear accident, the country’s education ministry released the first comprehensive survey of soil contamination within a 62-mile radius, showing that more than 30 locations extending over a wide area have been contaminated with long-lasting radioactive cesium.
The extent of reported contamination raises concerns about how quickly can these locations can be cleaned up, and the dangers of radioactive materials spreading to a wider area through wind or rain as well as the food chain..

A worker from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency measures radiation levels in Fukushima

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wildfire surrounds the nuclear lab in Los Alamos, New Mexico

The wildfire that surrounds the nuclear lab in Los Alamos, N.M., has increased to at least 61,000 acres amid growing concerns about radiation spread from nuclear waste that is stored at the facilityty. Most of Los Alamos 12,000 residents were evacuated.
The Los Alamos facility which is the birthplace of the atomic bomb contains approximately 20,000 barrels of nuclear waste which is not contained within a concrete, brick-and-mortar-type building, but are stored in a  fabric-type building that a fire could easily consume.
The fear of radiation spread has prompted fire crews to set their own fires along the perimeter of the lab. So far, the strategy is working as the first air samples show lots of smoke, but no signs of elevated radiation.

 Los Alamos, New Mexico fire

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Attempts to prevent further explosions at Japan nuclear plants

After stopping highly radioactive water from flowing into the Pacific Ocean, workers at Japan's nuclear power complex are attempting to prevent more hydrogen explosions. Workers are cooling down the plant's reactors, which have been overheating since March 11. Because they are unable to restore normal cooling systems workers have resorted to pumping water into the reactors and letting it gush wherever it can. Technicians were expected to start pumping nitrogen into an area around one of the plant's six reactors to counteract the hydrogen. The injection could release radioactive vapor into the environment. They want to prevent hydrogen explosions at all costs because they could spew radiation and damage the reactors.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Nuclear Crisis in japan is still Unresolved

After almost three weeks after the earthquake and tsunami slammed and engulfed the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, knocking out cooling systems that keep nuclear fuel rods from overheating, Tokyo Electric Power Co. is still struggling to bring the facility under control.
Setbacks continue to occur today in the crisis over Japan's tsunami-damaged nuclear facility, as nearby seawater testing are at their highest radiation levels yet.
Leaking radiation has seeped into the soil and seawater nearby and made its way into produce, raw milk and even tap water as far as Tokyo, 140 miles to the south.

A man is tested for radiation exposure

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Three of Fukushima workers sustained radiation burns

Three of the workers who ere attempting to save Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant were taken sustained radiation burns and were taken to the  hospital.  The three men suffered serious leg injuries while wading through contaminated water to lay power cables to the plant. 
Officials said the workers, two in their twenties and one in his thirties, were exposed to irradiated water in the number 3 reactor when it seeped through their protective gear, causing them to be contaminated with a level of radiation almost twice as high as the "safe" limit.  They were diagnosed as having sustained burn injuries at a
Fukushima hospital, and will be sent to the National Institute of Radiological for further treatment.  

Saturday, March 19, 2011

High radiation levels detected in spinach and milk

 Radiation levels in spinach and milk from farms near Japan's tsunami-crippled nuclear complex exceeded government safety limits, as emergency teams scrambled today to restore power to the plant so it could cool dangerously overheated fuel. This was reported by AP News.
The food was taken from farms as far as 65 miles away from the stricken plants, suggesting a wide area of nuclear contamination.While the radiation levels exceeded the limits allowed by the government, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano insisted the products "pose no immediate health risk."
Firefighters also pumped water directly from the ocean into one of the most troubled areas of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex — the cooling pool for used fuel rods at the plant's Unit 3. The rods are at risk of burning up and sending radioactive material into the environment.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nuclear crisis in Japan out of control

Japan's nuclear crisis appeared to be spinning out of control on Wednesday according Reuter News after workers withdrew from a damaged  power plant because of increasing radiation levels and a helicopter could not drop water on the most effected reactor.
In a sign of desperation, the police will try to cool spent nuclear fuel at one of the facility's reactors with water cannon, which is normally used to quell riots.
Early another fire broke out at the earthquake-crippled facility, which has sent low levels of radiation that drifted to Tokyo in the past 24 hours, triggering fear in the capital and international alarm.
Japan's government announced that radiation levels outside the plant were stable but, appealed to private companies to help deliver supplies to tens of thousands of people evacuated from around the complex.
About 140,000 people inside the zone have been told to stay indoors.
Workers were trying to clear debris to build a road so fire trucks could reach reactor No. 4 at the Daiichi complex in Fukushima, 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo. Flames were no longer seen at the building housing the reactor.

A man is scanned for nuclear exposure close to the damaged Daiichi reactors

High radiation levels prevented a helicopter from flying to the site to drop water into the No. 3 reactor -- whose roof was damaged by an earlier explosion and where steam was seen rising earlier in the day -- to try to cool its fuel rods.
The plant operator described No. 3 as the "priority." No more information was available, but that reactor is the only one at Daiichi which uses plutonium in its fuel mix.
According to U.S. government research, plutonium is very toxic to humans and once absorbed in the bloodstream can linger for years in bone marrow or liver and can lead to cancer
The situation at No. 4 reactor, where the fire broke out, was "not so good," the plant operator added, while water was being poured into reactors No. 5 and 6, indicating the entire six-reactor facility was now at risk of overheating.
Nuclear experts said the solutions being proposed to quell radiation leaks at the complex were last-ditch efforts to stem what could well be remembered as one of the world's worst industrial disasters.
"This is a slow-moving nightmare," said Dr Thomas Neff, a physicist and uranium-industry analyst at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

At the Fukushima plant, authorities have spent days desperately trying to prevent water which is designed to cool the radioactive cores of the reactors from evaporating, which would lead to overheating and possibly a dangerous meltdown.

smoke ascends 

Smoke comes out of reactor 3 after an explosion on march 14, 2011

Until the heightened alarm about No.3 reactor, concern had centered on damage to a part of the No.4 reactor building where spent rods were being stored in pools of water, and also to part of the No.2 reactor that helps to cool and trap the majority of cesium, iodine and strontium in its water.
Japanese officials said they were talking to the U.S. military about possible help at the plant.
Concern has mounted that the skeleton crews dealing with the crisis might not be big enough or were exhausted after working for days since the earthquake damaged the facility. Authorities withdrew 750 workers on Tuesday, leaving only 50.
All those remaining were pulled out for almost an hour on Wednesday because radiation levels were too high, but they were later allowed to return.
Nuclear radiation is an especially sensitive issue for Japanese following the country's worst human catastrophe -- the U.S. atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Principle of antimicrobial management of infections after accidental or hostile exposure to iradiation

Radiation sickness (acute radiation syndrome, or ARS) occurs when the body is exposed to a high dose of penetrating radiation within a short period of time. The first symptoms of ARS typically are fatigue, hair loss, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, as well as skin changes such as swelling, redness, itching and radiation burns. Symptoms may present within a few minutes to days after the exposure, and may come and go. This seriously ill stage may last from a few hours up to several months. Systemic infection is one of the complications of ARS.

 Treatment of ARS includes both general supportive care and specific actions and medications. ( Reeves GI. Medical implications of enhanced radiation weapons. Mil Med. 2010 ;175:964 ) The administration of proper antimicrobial therapy is essential for the prevention and treatment of systemic infection from endogenous and exogenous organisms that can occur following exposure to ionizing radiation. ( Brook et al. Management of postirradiation infection: lessons learned from animal models. Mil Med 2004;169:194) The management of these patients includes also the use of specific and non-specific biological response modifiers or immunomodulators. Care must be taken of any conventional injuries, and affected organ systems.

 ARS is usually caused by radiation exposure, not internal contamination. Ionizing radiation suppresses the host defenses and increases it’s susceptibility to local and systemic infection caused by endogenous or exogenous organisms. 
Exposure of rodents to ionizing 60Co-gamma radiation caused changes in the number of bacteria within the gut. There is a dose-related decease in the number of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria from 1010-12 to 104-6 /gram of stool within four days. The number of anaerobic bacteria stays low, but the quantities of Enterobacteriaceae per gram of stool increases significantly up to 109 by the 12th day after exposure to irradiation. This increase is associated with bacterial translocation of these microorganisms and lethal bacteremia. The administration of flouroquinolones to irradiated animals was successful in controlling systemic endogenous Gram-negative infection that develops after irradiation. The supplementation of flouroquinolone therapy with penicillin prevented treatment failures due to infection with Streptococcus spp. and increased the survival of the animals. Flouroquinolones administered for 21 days also were effective in the treatment of systemic exogenous infections due to orally ingested aerobic Gram negative bacilli (i.e. Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The effectiveness of flouroquinolones may be due to their ability to inhibit the growth of exogenous organisms inside the gut lumen, while preserving the anaerobic gastrointestinal flora as well as their systemic antibacterial efficacy. Based on these findings the antimicrobials recommended for the therapy of infection the emerge after exposure to ionizing irradiation are: ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, ceftriaxone, cefepime, gentamicin +/- amoxicillin or vancomycin.